Open Heart and Open Hands

We must learn to live with an open heart and open hands. What do I mean by that? Living with an open heart indicates we are willing to obey God. Abraham, in Genesis 12, demonstrated this open-heart approach when he made a move in response to God’s instruction. 

Living with open hands indicates we are willing to share, to give what the Lord has blessed us with. In Genesis 22, Abraham demonstrated open hands by being willing to sacrifice his son Isaac. 

All of us choose whether we will be containers or channels, resources or rivers. A container, or a reservoir, holds or stores something. A channel, or a river, allows whatever comes into it, to flow, to move on. God blesses us to bless others. 

Blessings that come to us must flow through us. Stay open to the will of God, and as He blesses you, open your heart and your hands and share His love with others around you.

ThePastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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