Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by believing the promises of God. My friend, you cut yourself short if you accept anything less than God’s best for your life. Claim the promises of God. “For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen…” (2 Corinthians 1:20). They are for our generation as much as any other’s.

Here are three things about God’s promises: 

1.    What God does, reveals what He is.  When God makes a promise, He reveals His character. He is faithful, powerful, truthful, which means God cannot lie (Titus 1:2).  He has the power to bring to pass what He declares He will fulfill.

2.    God’s only pain is to be doubted, His only pleasure is to be believed.  God is pleased when we claim His promises and believe Him.  We grieve the heart of God when we act in unbelief or doubt His Word.

3.    What you believe determines what you overcome. Jesus asked the blind men in Matthew 9:28, “Believe ye that I am able to do this?”  They replied, “Yea, Lord.”  Verse 29 says, “Then touched he their eyes…” and healed them. 

God’s promises are absolute. Stand on them – Live by them. They will anchor your soul in troubled times. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman




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