Keep Growing

Unless we make a conscious effort to keep growing in our faith and moving forward in the Lord, we have a tendency to drift, stagnate, weaken, and even grow complacent and lazy. In the natural world, if you buy a nice bunch of bananas at the grocery store, bring them home and put them on the kitchen counter, if you haven’t eaten those bananas in several days, take a good look at them and what do you see?  It’s a reality we can’t ignore. Things left to themselves tend to go downhill. 

For every Christian there are spiritual forces at work to weaken us.  The pressures of life, the attacks of Satan, the forces of this world system. All of these things will hinder our walk with God if we don’t make an effort to stay in-touch with our Savior. Pay attention to your spiritual condition.  Feed your inner man every day.  Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:14-16, “for this cause, I bow my knees unto the Father”. He prayed that the Christians in Ephesus would be “strengthened by the Spirit in their inner man.” 

Remember this: A man who kneels to God, can stand up to anyone. 

ThePastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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