Divine Connections

Do you believe in “divine connections”? I do. These are people that God purposely puts in our path to help us, instruct us, to protect us, to warn us, or even promote us.  If we are paying attention, we’ll learn to recognize these people for what they are.

 When we read the story of Joseph, it seems he had to deal with one bad break after another.  Hated by his jealous brothers, he was sold into slavery and eventually found himself in Egypt.  While there, God put people in his life who were capable of promoting him, and before he knew it, he was living in the palace, second in command only, to the Pharaoh. 

The man from Ethiopia in Acts 8 needed someone to help him interpret the scriptures.  God sent Philip to him, who helped him understand what he was reading.  Philip was the “divine connection” the man needed. The Good Samaritan was the connection for the man in need. 

None of us would have made it this far in life without people that God sent our way to help motivate us, teach us or promote us.  The exciting thing to remember is this; you and I can be a “divine connection” for someone if we are willing to invest our time, wisdom, encouragement, and sometimes even money to help them. Is there any risk? Yes. Can we even be disappointed when our investment in others doesn’t turn out like we hoped? Sometimes. Is it worth it? Always! 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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