Confront the Problem

You can never correct what you are unwilling to confront. Most people shy away from confrontation. It’s just seldom enjoyable. However, there can be no victory without a fight! The enemy must be confronted if the war is to be won.

We human beings struggle with many things; anger, unforgiveness, pride, financial problems, family issues, laziness, attitude problems, declining morals in our culture, a nation adrift - the list is endless.  Perhaps our car is making a funny noise or something in our house needs attention, a leaky faucet, paint that is peeling, a roof that is leaking, a door that is squeaking. None of these things will ever be corrected or repaired if we are not willing to admit there is a problem. 

I am amazed when I read of how Elijah confronted a wicked king named Ahab (I Kings 18).  The nation had been led into idolatry. The people had forsaken the Lord. Elijah confronted the problem and God gave him a great victory. 

No matter what it is in your life that is causing you stress, just remember; You deserve what you are willing to tolerate.  You must confront the issue to correct it my friend.


The Pastor’sPocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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