When Life Is Crumpling, Cry Out!


“…In the day of trouble…” (Psalm 50:15), a moment of crisis!  We’ve all experienced it.  If you haven’t yet, you will! 

May 9, 2001, a day in my life that forever changed my future.  I was high up on a lift trying to change a light bulb. Something happened, I lost my balance. and the lift went down with me in it.  I thought it was going to be bad, and it was!  In a moment, I hit the concrete floor. I broke my left pelvis in three places and my right arm was badly broken.  I was alive, but badly injured and rushed to the hospital.  I survived and can walk today because fervent prayers went up on my behalf. Praise God! 

We men find it difficult for some reason to cry out to God. We don’t even want to stop and ask for directions when we know we are lost.  Bit if we humble ourselves in a “day of trouble” and pray with intensity, God will respond, and He will be glorified.  Humility is a confession that “we can’t, but God can”. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12:10, “…when I am weak, then am I strong”.  We discover that in our moment of crisis, God will how Himself strong on our behalf (Psalm 46:1).

 So go ahead, learn to cry out to God in your trouble. Someone’s listening and He cares! 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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