Have You Lost The Wonder?

Acts 3:10 says, “And they were filled with wonder and amazement”. Most of these people had never seen a miracle like this before. A man, crippled since birth, now jumping around, and walking all by himself. No doubt about it – he was healed. Their reaction? The Bible says they were all amazed and “filled with wonder” – meaning they were overwhelmed, blown away, overjoyed, for this man’s good fortune. 

I think one of the great tragedies of our day, is the number of Christians who have lost the wonder of their faith. They no longer believe God can do great things, amazing things, and this has affected their prayer life, their worship, their soul-winning efforts, and their consistent time in personal Bible study. 

Over the years, I have observed this problem grow worse and worse. Many churches have lost their shout. There seems to be a lack of joy in the camp.  The enthusiasm is gone. A spirit of heaviness hangs over the congregation like a wet blanket. Pastors are discouraged. Many have given up on the thought of revival. All of this is not conducive to church growth. Who wants to become a part of a bunch of defeated Christians who are no longer amazed at what God can do? We simply must regain our sense of wonder and carry that with us as we attend church or do ministry. 

Remember when you first got saved? You were in awe that God in His grace would reach down for someone like you. You were amazed at God’s plan of redemption that brought you forgiveness of sin, peace, joy, and an overwhelming unconditional love. You were so excited you wanted to tell the whole world about your salvation experience. Remember when church thrilled your soul? The atmosphere of all the good singing, preaching and fellowship with other believers. You could not wait for the next service. You probably went early and stayed late. You might have carried a Bible with you and even took notes from the sermon. And now? Well…? If this describes you, check out tomorrow’s Pastor’s Pocket for the solution to your condition. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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