Have You Lost The Wonder? (Part 2)

Remember when you first began to read the Word of God? It was fresh – filled with promises, and you could not wait to hear the Pastor preach from it again. You fell in love with the scriptures that told you about Jesus and all that He did for people. Wait! Was that you who was sleeping through the sermon last Sunday?

 I have some good news. A loss of wonder and amazement is a condition that can be remedied. Not only can we get it back, but we can consistently maintain it. The question is this; are you willing to admit you have lost the wonder? Do you find yourself just going through the motions in your worship, your Bible reading and witnessing efforts? Has your relationship with the Lord grown cold, dull and you feel a thousand miles from God? If this describes you my friend, you have lost the wonder of your faith. So how do you get that back? Let me offer a few suggestions:

·         Renew your focus on Jesus. Read Hebrews 12:1-2. Get your eyes back on Him. He will never disappoint you, never let you down. He loves you and nothing can ever separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39).

·         Stay focused on what the Lord is doing. God is constantly doing good things for people. Most likely, He has done some good things for you. Stay fixed on that and you will be amazed at how faithful He is.

·         Never forget where God has brought you from. It’s no wonder this crippled man was seen walking, leaping, and praising God (Acts 3:8). He remembered his condition his whole life and was excited about his healing. 

You can get excited again. Just remember: God sought you, bought you, delivered you. He gave you peace. He gave you joy. Thank the Lord for these things. Be grateful. It will fill you with wonder once again. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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