God Wants To Hear Your Voice

 How great is our God? He is awesome in every way. His person, His power, His provision.  Nothing is too hard for Him!  This great God tells us in Jeremiah 33:3 to call out to Him (Hebrew: “gura” to call aloud, to cry out audibly), and He will answer us and show us great and mighty things.  A great God can do great things!  Things we can’t even grasp at this present moment are available to us if we simply learn to cry out to Him in prayer. So simple and yet so profound.  God can release His power to us as we pray.  You see my friends; God is a God of order and design.  This is the acceptable protocol that God Himself has laid out for us.  If we do our part, call out to Him, He will do His part. He will answer us and show us great things.  It is so simple and yet I believe we have overlooked this aspect of prayer for a long time.  God wants to hear our voice!  Look at Psalm 138:3. God wants to make us bold.  He wants to strengthen us for our tasks.  All He asks from us is to call out to Him in fervent prayer.

Have you noticed the little secret of the prayer of Jabez for blessing in I Chronicles 4:10?  He called on the God of Israel. His prayer was verbal, vocal, spoken out loud.  The Bible says, “God granted him that which he requested”.  Simple, yet profound. What has worked in the past, still works today.  Why not put God, our “great” God to the test.  You just may see great and mighty things come to pass in your life! 

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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