Experience A Turnaround


Change occurs in the Presence of God. Five minutes in the throne room of God can change your focus, your perspective, your attitude. Do we realize what an incredible opportunity we have, to enter into the presence of God. To go right into the holy of holies and sit at Jesus’ feet?  Hebrews 4:14-16 tells us to come “boldly” to the throne of grace”.  No one except the High Priest was allowed behind the curtain of the tabernacle in the Old Testament.  All the rest of the people stood outside only wondering what it was like to enter into God’s holy presence.  But Matthew 27:51 tells us that as Jesus died on the cross, the veil of the temple (the curtain) was ripped from top to bottom, indicating that anyone may now have complete access to God!

When we enter the presence of the Lord through prayer, change occurs!  You know how it is when you come to church feeling lousy, maybe stressed, fearful or discouraged, but you came anyway and behold, as you leave the service, change has occurred!  Your burden lifted, you feel different, your tears are gone. Why? Because when your focus changes, your feelings change! 

It’s the same way in prayer.  You come to the throne of God worried, discouraged, maybe tired, but as you sense the presence of God and focus on Him, His power, His compassion and His goodness, your feelings change. In Luke 22:39-43 the Bible describes Jesus in the garden, praying.  He’s exhausted, He knows the awful pain and suffering He must endure is just hours away.  Yet after just a few moments in the presence of His Father, He is strengthened.  He is changed.  He is revived!  Hebrews 5:7 describes Jesus offering up prayer “with strong crying and tears”.  The word “strong” means intense, loud.  If our Lord prayed (cried out) with intensity and tears, maybe we should do the same.


Perhaps our circumstances may not change, maybe they will.  I just know this; we will change in the presence of God.  Thank God the veil was torn, and you and I can enter into the throne room.  Remember: change occurs in the presence of God. Pray my brother. Pray fervently!


The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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