Don't Resist Change

 Only God never changes (Malachi 3:6). Everything else in your life and mine changes.  Nothing stays the same. The weather, our bodies, the company you work for, the church you attend, your marriage, your children, the country you live in, the town where you reside; all of these things and a hundred more go through changes.  It’s part of life. 

We all tend to resist change; we are comfortable when things stay the same.  But life teaches us that change occurs – it just does. Christians seem resistant to change as much as anyone else.  When change occurs for the better, we need to accept it, even embrace it! 

I’ve been around people that long for “the good ol’ days”. But life on earth brings change and some of it is an improvement over the old.  For example, would you really want to return to the days without air conditioning? I doubt it.  How about trading your car in for a horse and buggy? I doubt you would go for that either. Don’t decry change my friend. Like it or not, it will affect your life. Deal with it and move on!  You just might bump into something you realize is better after all. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman




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