A Little or a Lot

 “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21b)

That is an amazing statement for Job to make, isn’t it? Here is a man who had just had a really rough day. He lost his livelihood, all his sons and daughters, and still worshipped God (Job 1:20). You see, Job believed God was worthy to be praised, whether he had anything or not. 

Here in America, we live in an affluent society. Even the smallest of homes would qualify as a mansion to people in third-world countries. Did you realize that half of the world’s population either walks or rides a bicycle everywhere they go? Job was a man of great substance. In other words, he was wealthy (Job 1:3). But when it was all suddenly taken away, he still worshipped God.

 People find it easy to go to church when all is well, but let a little adversity come their way and they are suddenly absent. There is an amazing thing we discover at the end of the book of Job. You have to go all the way to chapter 42 before you read that the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before (42:10), and then verses 12-13 give us the details.  My friend, learn to live the attitude Job had. Learn to praise God whether you have little or a lot. You never know just how God will bless you when the last chapter of your life is written. 

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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