The Playpens are Full, The Battlefields are Not


The number of saints who are not on the battlefield for Christ is a great tragedy of modern Christendom. Far too many Christians are (spiritually speaking) still in the playpen, they are still in the nursery.

Within every church there are large numbers of saints that have never reached spiritual maturity. They’ve been saved, they attend church, but they have never progressed beyond spiritual infancy.

The apostles faced this same problem in the early churches of the first century (Hebrews 5:12-6:3). They urged the saints to press on and to grow beyond the elementary foundation of their faith. What a huge difference it would make if Christians like this would move beyond the playpen and develop into rock-solid soldiers for Christ!

What are some of the characteristics of babies? They are somewhat selfish, impatient, and they crave attention. They cry a lot, and are dependent on someone else to meet their needs. Spiritual babies have the same characteristics. They’re selfish, and they pout if they don’t get their way. They are impatient and easily upset. They tend to be fussy and love attention. They never seem to get serious about the Kingdom of God. Truth is; they need to grow up and get on the battlefield.

Too many church members today expect their Pastors to be babysitters. How are we ever going to impact a wicked culture with the gospel if spiritual infants never make it to the battlefield and fight the “good fight of faith” (I Timothy 6:12)?

So what does it take to “graduate” from a spiritual playpen?
Desire-you must want to grow up.
Don’t settle for a playpen when the battlefield is waiting my friends!

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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