So Should We


Scripture tells us that Christ loves His church and gave Himself for it (Ephesians 5:25b). If Jesus love the church, then we who are saved should love it too.

I have had the privilege of serving as a Pastor for many years. Serving Jesus through serving His church has been the great joy of my Chrisitan life. It’s been a labor of love. I’m going to say something here that may sound strange to some of you, I have never had a church. None of the churches that I have pastored were mine. Every one of them were the Lord’s, and they still are. God called me to shepherd His flock, His people (Psalm 100:3).

I have met many people through the years who have soured on the church. They have given up on the church, and even declared they don’t need the church. That saddens me and I’m sure it grieves the heart of God. Jesus gave His life for the church, shed His blood for the church, and He loves His church. If Jesus loved the church, His bride, enough to die for her, then I will love her too. Even with all her faults, failures, problems, and challenges, I will stand beside her. Why? Because her destiny is glorious (Ephesians 5:27). Yes, my friend, one day the church, the body of Christ, the redeemed, will be presented to Himself in all her glory, spotless and clean.

So here is my word for you today: If you attend a Bible preaching fellowship of believers, stick with it. Ask the Lord to put in your heart a love for that which He loves. One day, you will be glad you stayed connected.

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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