Rising Above Adversity


You can rise above adversity

In this “dog-eat-dog” world we live in, it seems there are always people around to push you down. Besides that, we have an adversary, the devil, who wants to push you into a valley and keep you there.

Remember the story of the man who had some kind of infirmity for 38 years? In John chapter 5 we are told he and many others sat beside the pool of Bethesda WAITING for someone to come along and place them in the pool. Jesus came by and said, “Wilt thou be made whole?” In other words, do you WANT to be healed? And then He said to the man, “Rise, take up your bed and walk”.

I am also reminded of Joseph in the Old Testament who was sold into slavery by his brothers and yet Joseph, in spite of his mistreatment, rose to greatness in Egypt. The Bible says, “The Lord was with Joseph”. By faith and with great patience, Joseph knew the Lord would see him through his season of adversity.

Here is something t remember: If you remain faithful to God, He can rearrange tomorrow in your favor. Yes, you CAN rise above your adversity! Many before you have done it and so can you. Never settle for being pushed down. Arise and walk on!

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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