Do It Right-- or None at All


Just do the right thing!

Contrary to what many people believe today, there are absolutes in life. Some things are wrong and will always be wrong. Some things are right and will always be right. For example, the Bible says, “honor thy father and thy mother”. It’s always right to do so. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”. It’s always wrong to lie and to deceive.

There are always choices in life. We make choices every day. The challenge is to choose to do right. To do the right thing requires courage and moral fortitude, but it has its rewards.

Dr. Laura, a radio talk show host who takes calls from listeners, often ends a conversation with these words, “now, just go do the right thing”. I like that. Doing the right thing may not always be easy or even popular, but it makes the most sense. Read the story of Joseph in Genesis chapters 37–50. Joseph had a tough time. His brothers sold him into slavery. Potiphar’s wife lied about his actions and had him imprisoned. Joseph could have become resentful and bitter and given up on his dream, but he kept the right attitude. He focused on doing the right things and God honored him, promoted him and used him to save his people.

When you do the right things, the right kind of people will enter your life. When you do the right things, the wrong people will disconnect from your life. When you do the right things promotion will come. When you do the wrong things, the wrong kind of people will come towards you. When you do the wrong things, the right kind of people will disconnect from your life. When you do the wrong things, failure and frustration are certain.

Obey God. Do right by God and He will do right by you. When faced with the choice of right or wrong–choose right. God will honor that choice. Now, just go do the right thing.

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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