Construction to Completion


On our way to and from church for the past six months, we drive through a construction zone where they are building a new road. It’s a major project and at this point you can’t tell how and where it will one day reach completion. There are a lot of earth-moving bulldozers, dump trucks, and a lot of other machinery moving all over the place. At this point, only the architects and engineers really know how it will eventually come together to become a major highway.

It’s like that with our lives. Sometimes we go through trials, pass through the fires of hardship, and we wonder how it all fits together in God’s ultimate plan for us. The Apostle John wrote in I John 3:2, “It doth not yet appear what we shall be…” In other words, right now, only the Divine Architect knows how it all fits together, but this much we do know; He does have a purpose and plan. John goes on to say in that same verse, “…when He shall appear, we shall be like Him”. One day, we will come to the completion phase of His plan, and we will look back and realize that all along, God had it all under His control.

Whatever you may be facing today, whatever you may be going through, rest in knowing you are still in the construction phase. Completion is just around the corner. Perhaps sooner than you think, the Lord will return! When He does, you will be like Him forevermore. Don’t sweat over the uncertainty of construction. You don’t need to figure it all out now, just trust the Almighty Architect who will complete what He started (Philippians 1:6)

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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