Whether Anyone Else Does or Not


“...Whether others do or not, I will”.

That is a partial quote from a young 18 year old Jonathan Edwards, a great preacher who God used in New England during the first “Great Awakening” in America to lead this nation in a great revival. Here is the rest of the quote: “Resolved first, that all men should live for the glory of God. Resolved second, that whether others do or not, I will.”

I am challenged by that kind of attitude and that kind of determination. So often people stick their finger in the wind, find out which way it’s blowing and make decisions according to what everyone else might be doing. What we need in the church today are some saints with some backbone who will say to themselves, “I will pray, whether anyone else does or not. I will worship, whether anyone else does or not. I will live by the Bible, whether anyone else does or not. I will win souls, whether anyone else does or not. I will stand for Jesus, whether anyone else does or not. I will honor the Lord, whether anyone else does or not.”

This is the kind of Christian that God can use to turn our backslidden nation back to the Lord. Will you be such a Christian?

From the Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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