Walk in the Light of Life


“And Enoch walked with God...” Genesis 5:24

This man did so when most of his peers did not (Genesis 6:5). I am amused at all the excuses people make these days for not having a close, intimate relationship with the Lord, claiming it’s “just too hard to live for God now”.

Well, how did Enoch do it? It wasn’t any easier then. Hebrews 11:5 gives us a clue. It says Enoch had this testimony. “he pleased God”, by faith. Yes, by faith, he walked with God. In other words, Enoch trusted God in every way and this pleased the Lord.

You and I can walk with God today! We accomplish this the same way Enoch did. By faith, we choose to trust our Heavenly Father and whenever we do just that, we please Him. Throw all the excuses aside and determine to walk with God. It doesn’t get any better than that.

 The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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