Victory Through Partnership


All throughout the Bible we see the benefits of a “team effort”. Two or more joining forces in the cause of Christ.

In Acts 16, Paul and Silas prayed and sang together from prison confinement, and God showed them supernatural favor.

In Acts 3, it was Peter and John going into the temple to pray together. They witnessed a miracle for a lame man. 

In James 5:15, we are instructed to confess our faults to one another and to pray one for another, that we may be healed. 

Psalm 133 speaks of the beauty of harmony between two or more.

It seems God has in His marvelous plan, designed blessing and victory in partnership. Two or more joining forces in ministry and in life. Perhaps this is one reason God designed the church. He knew we would need each other for encouragement, for fellowship, for motivation and inspiration.

Have you neglected your church connection and participation with other believers? Remember, there is victory through partnership. Join with those God has placed in your life. It will benefit you greatly, and them as well.

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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