The Holy Power Supply


“Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.”(Acts 1:8)

God never gives us instructions that are impossible to obey. No matter what the Lord told one of His servants to do–He always provided the power for them to get it done. When the church was about to be birthed, it was those cowardly disciples that God was going to use to spread the gospel in Jerusalem, Judea, and regions beyond. He gave them power and they had tremendous success.

Today, we have that same power made available to each of us who believe, so why don’t we tap into it more often than we do? The power to overcome our adversary, the power to witness and share our faith, the power to endure hardships, the power to do uncommon things, to exhibit kindness when ill-treated, to forgive when wronged; these and many more things we can do through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us.

In the early days of computers, when the power went out, if you had not saved your files, you lost it all. Now, with something called U.P.S. (uninterrupted power supply) that doesn’t happen. You and I have in the Holy Spirit, an uninterrupted power supply to accomplish everything we need to do for the Kingdom. Have you tapped into that power lately?

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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