Soul Searching...


The close of another year suggests a time for review. Self-evaluation, self-examination, is encouraged in scripture (2 Corinthians 13:5). All successful businesses and organizations do inventory from time to time. Why not do some personal inventory as another year comes to a close. 

Let me offer some soul-searching questions you might want to ask yourself today as you look back on 2016:

  • Did I love enough? Did I love my Lord and Savior enough? Did I love the members of my family enough? Did I love those around me that need Jesus?
  • Did I care enough? Did I care about the needs of others enough? Did I care about my church enough?
  • Did I forgive enough? Did I forgive those who hurt me, wounded me, or offended me?
  • Did I learn enough? Did I take advantage of opportunities to grow in grace, wisdom and understanding of the Word of God? Did I learn anything in 2012?
  • Did I share enough? Did I share the resources God put in my possession? Did I sow enough financially in places it would make a difference? (Why would God give seed to anyone who won’t sow it?)
  • Did I say enough to encourage, to motivate, to inspire, to compliment, to teach?
  • Did I serve enough? Did I serve the Lord enough? Did I serve my fellow-man enough?

I don’t know how you answered any of these questions, that’s between you and the Lord. Now, deal with it, turn the page, and move on! Endeavor to make the upcoming new year count for Christ!

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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