Love Wins!


Love Never Fails!

The word of God says so in I Corinthians 13:8. Scripture tells us to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). As Christians, who have the love of Christ in our hearts, we are to rise above the evils of this world with a love that never fails. Love overcomes. It wins in the home, in the church, on the job, in the street.

Let’s face it; our world is filled with hatred, jealousy, anger, revenge, and spite. But Paul says, “Be not overcome with evil...” In other words; don’t be overwhelmed by it, conquered by it. Instead, let love rule-out and it will. Why does the Bible teach us that in the end, Jesus will conquer all His foes? Because “God is love” (I John 4:8). And why does Jesus then command us to love? Because love conquers evil. 

Let me challenge you today to love on. When you are hurt, mistreated, falsely accused or your heart has been broken by others–love on! 

Love never fails to win-out in the end!

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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