Let HIS Love Make You Love


“The love of Christ constrains us...” (2 Corinthians 5:14)

Human beings are unpredictable creatures. People don’t always act the way we think they should and neither do we.

Jeremiah says the heart is “deceitful above all things and desperately wicked... who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Every person born into this world has a sin nature, so it shouldn’t surprise us when someone does a bad thing or acts inappropriately. People are motivated by greed, pride, the lust for power. Sometimes they lie, cheat, kill, and don’t even feel remorseful because they are controlled by an evil heart.

Salvation and a personal relationship with Christ changes all that. God expects us, who are saved, to be constrained, motivated by love–His love–that flows through us into a messed-up world.

So why do we try to do the right thing; evangelize the lost; build schools, hospitals, orphanages, shelters for the homeless, unwed mothers, alcoholics and addicts? We do all these things because we love Jesus! His love for us and our love for Him motivates us for good in “this” world.

So don’t lose heart when you see people do hateful things, just counter it with a good deed and an act of kindness. “The love of Christ constrains us...”!!!

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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