God Can, and He Will


Whatever Your Need–God Can Meet It!

We can all use some good news in today’s climate of bad news everywhere. Troubled souls are all around us; burdened down with cares, troubles and heartache.

The gospel is “good news”. The Bible has the answers to all of our needs. Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden (burdened down, weighted down with care) and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Whatever the need, God has a solution.

To the troubled–He offers help
To the weary–He offers rest
To the hopeless–He offers a way out
To the weak–He offers strength
To the confused–He offers truth
To the lost–He offers salvation
To the brokenhearted–He offers love and acceptance
To the fearful–He offers peace
To the stressed–He offers comfort
To the lonely–He offers His presence
To the suffering–He offers His grace
To the sinful–He offers forgiveness
To the backslidden–He offers restoration
To the dying–He provides a promise (Psalm 23:4 ...for thou are with me”)

So cry out to the Lord in your despair, He will meet your need. No one else in this world has all that He has to offer. Do you hear Him calling to you...”come unto me”? Let Jesus lift your heavy load right now!

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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