By Faith, Through His Mercy

Yesterday I challenged you to “walk with God”, and in doing so, to trust God, to believe God in all things and He will reward you richly.

Three things tend to hinder us from doing that: fear, pride and ignorance. Fear and worry are the opposite of faith. Fear says, “what will my life be like if I surrender everything to God”? Pride says, “I want to control my own life, do my own things my own way”. Ignorance implies that we just don’t realize how good God is. We question His love for us.

However, if by faith we conquer our fear, we discover we really had nothing to fear! By faith and humility, we conquer our pride and we discover God is able to run our lives better than we could anyway. And by faith we conquer our ignorance and find out that God is good and loving, and can be trusted!

By faith, I know I can lay every circumstance before the Lord and He can handle it! I don’t have to manipulate people or situations. My God is in control! This greatly reduces my stress level and helps me to walk with God and trust Him with everything. Do you want to please God? Then trust Him. Really trust Him, and you will conquer your fears, your pride, and your ignorance. Discover the joy of a deep, intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father.

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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