Bat Boys


In the sport of baseball, major league baseball in particular, each team has a “bat boy”. These 

are most often kids who retrieve bats after a player has hit the ball or made it first base. Other items 

may be retrieved like shin guards, elbow pads, etc., and taken back to the dugout by the bat boy. 

These young boys have no names on their jersey, the cameras almost never show them while they 

work during the game. They pretty much go unnoticed, but their tasks are important. They are there 

to serve the players.

One day this past summer, while watching a game, I thought about those young boys and what 

they do. Some scriptures scripture verses came to mind: Romans 12:10b, “In honor preferring on 

another”, Philippians 2:3b, “In lowliness of mind, let each esteem others better than themselves”. 

(Read 1 Peter 5:5 and Proverbs 3:34b)

Someday in heaven I think we will meet a lot of Christian people who, in a sense, were “bat 

boys” for Jesus. They served others. We never knew their names. They were never in the limelight. 

They were the unknowns, but in humility, they faithfully performed their tasks, and the cause of Christ 

went forward. They did not seek glory, they just got the job done, and in heaven they were exalted 

and recognized.

Let’s be willing to serve Christ, and in humility, serve others. A day will come when Jesus says, 

“well done”. That alone should motivate us to go about our daily tasks whether anyone knows our 

name or not. Come on “Bat Boys” – There is work to do!

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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