Are You Choking?


Jesus was the master of illustration. Remember the parable of the seed and the sower (Mark 4:1-20)? The seed is the Word of God and it is sown into various kinds of soil (different kinds of people). In verse 19 the Lord says the cares of this world (among other things) choke the Word and it becomes unfruitful.

Let’s face it–a lot of people are “choking” from poor decisions, misplaced priorities, pleasure, and the desire for more stuff. The Word of God is pushed to the back burner in their life. They are unfruitful in God’s Kingdome because they are not really serious about their spiritual growth.

Have you ever choked on a piece of food? You swallowed wrong as you ate something and you coughed really hard for a while. It’s no laughing matter. In fact, it can be life threatening.

In the spiritual realm, it is no laughing matter either when your relationship with God gets choked out by the cares of life. I’ve never seen anyone choke on too much Word, but I have seen people choke on too much stress.

Rearrange your priorities if need be. Devote yourself to sufficient time in God’s Word and don’t allow the pressures of life to choke out your time in church, your time in prayer, and your efforts to share your faith.

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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