The Power of a Pause

Mark 10:49 “and Jesus stood still”

We have all either read for ourselves or heard sermons on the story of blind Bartimaeus. A pitiful fellow, just sitting along the roadside each day, begging.  Bartimaeus was blind and had a particular problem as well. Though he was blind and could not see, he could hear.

Jesus is passing through Jericho on His way up to Jerusalem. Within a week or two, He will be taken by sinful, wicked, religious rulers, tried for made-up charges, whipped, crucified, and raised from the dead.

The setting for the story of Bartimaeus occurs at the end of the three-year ministry of Christ. By this time, a throng of people are following Jesus wherever He went. I am sure, without a doubt, the news of the miracles Jesus had performed, reached the ears of blind Bartimaeus. When he hears that Jesus is passing by and getting closer to him, he cries out, “Jesus, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” He shouts those word at least twice. Here is the turning point of this story. The Bible says that Jesus “stood still,” He stopped. Why?

Bartimaeus uses a messianic title to refer to Jesus. He cries out at the top of his voice, “Thou Son of David.” He used a term I doubt that many others in the crowd used to refer to Jesus and although Bartimaeus could not see Jesus, Jesus could see him. So, Jesus stood still and called for him.  You know the rest of the story. Blind Bartimaeus receives His sight and his faith, his persistence, and his respect for who Jesus is, leads to another miracle.

So here is my thought for you today. If we can just slow down, pause during our busy day, something wonderful may occur. We too might hear the cries of desperate people. We just might see the need of someone who is hurting and needs to be shown love with a smile or a kind word. Perhaps that hurting someone is you. Pause long enough to pray. You may be the one who receives a miracle.

When was the last time you “stood still” for a brief moment and listened or looked around, and answered a desperate cry?  The Power of a Pause.

The Pastor's Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman 


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