“Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord…” Romans 12:11b

    Most Pastors I talk to share with me the same struggle. That is, how to keep their people motivated. How do they help them maintain a fervency in serving in their various ministries?

    I certainly don’t have the answer, as I struggle with the same thing. I do believe we are still suffering from the after affects of a lethargy left behind from the Covid pandemic. However, I witnessed this lack of fervency even before Covid.

    Perhaps it is partly a fulfillment of Paul’s prophecy in 2 Timothy 3 where he said that God’s people would be “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God”.  We seem to have no problem being fervent at a ball game or a race, or a trip to Disney World, but we struggle to be fervent in our service for the Lord.  What can change that? REVIVAL! Only when we are truly revived in our hearts, and we rearrange our priorities. will we ever change.  Our fervency will return when we understand what a privilege it is to serve the King of Kings.

    I have for years said, “we get enthused about whatever we love”.  I still believe this! If we really love Jesus, we will be enthused about the opportunity to serve HIM.

    Come on saints – let’s see our fervency and enthusiasm restored to the level that brings God pleasure. You can help ease the burden of your Pastor by serving the Lord - “fervent in spirit”.

The Pastor’s Pocket

Written by: Pastor Bruce Freeman


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