Stay Focused


Life is full of distractions! They come suddenly upon us at times, but they always come.  They come in all shapes and sizes.  Sometimes it’s some-thing, sometimes it’s some-one.
You know how it is – you have your day planned and then out-of-the-blue something interrupts your day.  It can be minor or it can be major, but it’s an interruption none the less.
We must learn to deal with distractions if we are to be effective prayer warriors.  You see my friends, prayer requires focus!  Prayer is the one thing we cannot neglect.
As a Pastor, I’ve learned to prioritize things rather well.  I’ve had to, because I’ve learned that if I miss my time alone with God, I cannot deal with the “stuff” that comes my way.  I have to hear from God!  I have to have His power if I’m going to lead with wisdom. So I pray, study, witness, and deal with things as they come. Then, I turn the page and move on.
Paul was a focused individual.  Let’s note what he wrote in Philippians 3:10-14.  Do you see it?  He pursued an intimate relationship with the Lord! He craved the power of Christ’s resurrection.  This great Apostle knew he had to have power with God to minister effectively.  Do you think Paul had distractions to deal with? Absolutely! But through them all, he remained focused on what really mattered.
It’s a lesson we all must learn.  So try to stay focused on the main thing; your relationship with God, your prayer life, and your walk with the Lord.  This will help you at home, at church, at work, and with all the other relationships in your life.

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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