Purity to Power


Let’s move on from the subject of purity, to the subject of power.  Remember though, that a pure life before God leads to power in prayer!

As I continue to preach (now in my 33rd year of ministry), I am convinced that I cannot be effective without the power of God.  Jesus said, “without Me, ye can do nothing” (John 15:5).  That includes prayer – effective prayer.

We need power when we pray!  To pray with power, we need to be men of power. So how do we attain the power we need?

First, we must develop a lifestyle of prayer.  Three Bible characters come to mind: Joshua, Daniel and Cornelius.  As you know Joshua was Moses’ “right-hand man”.  When Moses got a word from God, Joshua was often right there. Exodus 33:11 says he “departed not out of the tabernacle”.  No doubt Joshua developed a lifestyle of prayer under his mentor’s leadership.  The Bible tells us that Daniel was tossed into the lion’s den because “he prayed three times a day” (Daniel 6:10), even when forbidden to do so.  Cornelius “prayed to God always” (Acts 10:2).  He was considered a devout man, which describes someone who prayed a lot.

All of these men got results when they prayed.  Joshua got the sun to stand still. Daniel was protected from the lions and through Cornelius’ prayers many Gentiles heard the gospel.  Why? Because they didn’t just pray here and there, they prayed a lot.  They prayed constantly and the power of those prayers shook the heavens!

Let’s develop a lifestyle of prayer.  Let’s be known as men of prayer, men who pray with power, and men who get God’s attention on a regular basis.

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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