Keep it Simple


Psalm 100:3 tells us, “…we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.” In Psalm 23:2, David writes of “…green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.” Peter instructs Pastors in I Peter 5:2 to “feed the flock of God which is among you.”

God’s sheep, green pastures, still waters, a flock. I wonder sometimes if to God, we look more like a herd of stampeding cattle than a flock of God beside still waters.  

For many of us life is hurry, hurry, hurry – rush, rush, rush. (Been on the freeway lately?)  Think about it, how can we be mighty in God, mighty in prayer if we don’t slow down long enough to commune with the Lord?

I’ll admit it – life can get hectic at times!  We live in a fast-paced culture her in America.  As we discussed last week, there are constant distractions and interruptions to deal with.  We get married, start a career, have kids and the next thing we know the kids are gone, our career is over and we find ourselves asking, “how did it all go by so fast”?

A lot of men get saved, go to church, develop a ministry and before they know it – 30 years have gone by.  Question: What was accomplished in those 30 years?  How many prayers did they see God answer over that time span.

Let’s look at one more scripture – 2 Corinthians 11:3.  Paul mentions the word “simplicity”.  What if we could find ways to “keep it simple”; to slow down, to dive into the scriptures, to spend more time in prayer?  Spiritual power comes from spending time with the “God of power”.  Never allow yourself to get so busy that you push God aside and neglect to pray.  Let’s try and avoid becoming another member of the herd of stampeding cattle, and pursue those moments beside still waters.

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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