Our Little Voices


There is just something about our VOICES that brings pleasure to God (Revelation 4:11).  Somehow, we move the heart of God when we “cry out” to Him!  God tells us to sing aloud (Psalm 9:11), to praise Him with our voice (Psalm 47:1), and yes, to call out to Him in prayer (Jeremiah 33:1).

What earthly father would not quickly respond to the cry of “Daddy” from one of his own children?  I am the proud father of two daughters.  I can remember coming home many times to the voices of those girls (when they were little) crying out “Daddy, Daddy,” and running into my arms to greet me.  Something leaped in my heart every time!

Listen, my brothers… God wants to hear your voice!  Accept it.  Believe it. Remember the children of Israel in their Egyptian bondage? “Their cry came up unto God…” (Exodus 2:23 & 24).  God heard them and sent them a deliverer – Moses (Exodus 3:7 & 8).  David cried out to the Lord many, many times (Psalm 18:6, 28:2 & 6,  34:17,  55:17, 116:1) and the Lord responded.  The early church cried out to God verbally, powerfully in prayer, and God responded (Acts 4:24-31, 12:5).  The prayers of many saints in scripture were prayed out loud, fervently.

PSALM 63  is the basis for this ministry.  I’m looking for men, bold men, who will “follow hard after God”.  Will you join me and recruit other men who will do the same?  Now, perhaps more than ever, our nation needs such men!  Our communities need such men. Our churches and our families need such men - men who are passionate about the Savior, unashamed to cry out to Him, and who will seek Him with their whole heart.

I’m going after Him!  Will you join me?

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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