Model Prayer

 Learning to pray can be enhanced if we study the great prayers of the Bible.  From Abraham to Moses, to Elijah, to Nehemiah, to David, the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, to Jesus and to Paul, all of these men got answers to their prayers.  Their prayers are recorded in scripture so we know they were audible.

Many of Moses’ prayers got God’s attention.  He was a great intercessor – he cried out to God on behalf of the people.  Many of David’s prayers were worshipful in nature.  We can learn from them.

Let’s look at Nehemiah’s prayer in Nehemiah 1:5-10.  It begins with praise.  It includes confession and petition.  Notice the sequence – although Nehemiah desperately wants something from God, he needs something from God (vs. 11), he begins with praising God for who He is (vs. 5).  This is a good pattern for us to follow.

Jesus taught the same sequence in the “model prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13).  Might we learn not to rush to God with our needs until we have paused to thank Him for being the awesome God that He is.  Then, we bring our petitions before Him.  It’s a scriptural way to pray.  Study the great prayers of the great men of the Bible.

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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