HE Wants to Hear Your Voice

Our voice is a gift from God!  Have you ever stopped to consider this truth?  God gave us our voices to communicate – to praise our Creator.  We are to sing unto God, to pray and call out to Him in prayer, to witness for Him and to proclaim the Gospel.  Of course, with our voices we communicate with other human beings and God tells us how we are to do that.  It’s unfortunate that we slander, criticize, gossip and lie with our voices.  We need to remember that God could take our voices away from us as He did with Zechariah, John the Baptist’s father (Luke 1:20, 22, 64).

Imagine how it would be if you were mute!  What if your voice was useless or somehow rendered inoperative? Imagine how different your life would be if you had no voice!

My brothers, if we have the gift of a voice, let’s use it to call out to God!  Let’s learn to cry out to God (Psalm 27:7), “Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice: have mercy on me and answer me.” In Psalm 28:2 we read, “Hear the voice of my supplication when I cry unto Thee…”  Let’s learn to use our voices to praise our God who is so worthy to be praised! Read these scripture references from the Book of Psalms: Psalm 47:1, Psalm 118:21, Psalm 66:8.   God says, “…let them ever shout for joy…” (Psalm 5:11, 32:11).

You and I, men who love God and know God, must use our voices to rejoice in the God of our salvation!  Let us boldly share the gospel (Acts 4:33). Let us encourage one another, edify one another, exhort one another (Ephesians 4:15 & 29, Hebrews 10:25).  God gave you your voice. Use it wisely.  God forbid that you and I as men stay silent and the rocks have to do our job (Luke 19:40).  God wants to hear your voice! Accept it. Believe it. Use it, or you just might lose it.

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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