HE Listens


Crying out to God is not some magic formula that requires God’s attention.  God is sovereign, He can and does as He pleases.  However, God stands by His Word when He makes a promise (2 Timothy 2:13, Numbers 23:19).

When God says, “Call unto Me and I will answer thee…” (Jeremiah 33:3), it’s like “if you will – I will”.  There are many such conditional promises in the Bible. For example, in Malachi 3:7 & 10, God says, “return unto Me and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts… bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse… I will open the windows of heaven.” In other words, you do something and I will do something.

As we learn to cry out to God with our voices, it should simply be an outflow of our love for Him and our desire for a hearing.

David was a man after God’s own heart (I Kings 14:8). In other words, David’s heart was in harmony with the will of God.  When David cried out to God, he had confidence that God would hear his prayer (Psalm 55:17 and Psalm 34:15 & 17).  His prayers were an outflow of his intimate relationship (Psalm 23).  

This must be our goal.  As we develop a loving, intimate relationship with our Father we gain confidence that He will hear us and respond to our pleas.  David discovered that when he uttered aloud his deep felt emotion and God heard him (Psalm 30:2).  He trusted God to respond when he called out to Him (Psalm 28:1 & 2).  For David, calling out with his voice was not a gimmick, not some magic formula, or a “lucky” rabbit’s foot.  It was a natural outflow of a love relationship and the confidence that came with it.

We must believe that it is a delight of our Heavenly Father to hear our voice (Romans 8:15)!  Because God is compassionate and gracious and faithful to His promises; He hears, He listens, He responds. Hallelujah!

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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