Desperate Cry


Desperate moments – we’ve all experienced them. Or we will!  Those moments, sudden moments, when crying out to God is all we can do.
You remember when Peter walked on the water.  He did fine for a while.  Then the wind and waves kicked up.  Peter was afraid.  Maybe he lost his focus – looked at the trouble and took his eyes off of Jesus. At any rate, he began to sink.  The Bible says he cried (cried out) “Lord, save me”. Immediately, the Lord stretched out his hand and caught him.  I’d call this a prayer of desperation.
Old Jonah had a similar experience.  His desperate moment came from inside the belly of the whale and even from there he cried out - “by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord”. Jonah must have yelled, “…out of the belly of hell cried I…”  Then he said, “and Thou heardest my voice” (Jonah 2:2).  Just as we who are fathers would respond to our child in serious trouble, God responds to our desperate cries.
Ever felt helpless?  Most likely you have or you will someday.  Rest assured that God hears the “desperate” cry, so learn to cry out to God now.   Someday you will be glad you did!

Pastor Bruce Freeman


  1. Thank you God for hearing my cries and helping me 🙌


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