A Necessity


The basics; the things we all must have to survive physically speaking are food, air and water.  Remove any of these for a period of time and we will perish.  It’s that simple.

Spiritually speaking, there are basic things we need as well to survive, for example, the Word of God, prayer, and the church.

When we read and study the Word of God, hear it preached or taught - God speaks to us.  He guides us along as we learn the principles of scripture

When we pray, we talk to God.  This is essential if we are going to have communion and fellowship with Him.  Prayer is such a necessary part of our Christian experience.  If we neglect to pray, something essential will be missing, so we must learn to pray if we are serious about developing our relationship with God.

All Christians are not called to preach.  As believers, we are all called to serve in some capacity and we are all called to pray.  Have you answered this important call to pray?  It’s life-changing – the moment you take seriously your call to pray.  Prayer is our duty and our privilege.  It’s not an option if we want to grow and have power with God.

I believe the desire to pray is birthed in us by the Holy Spirit.  Just as a newborn child cries out for its mother, the cry for our Heavenly Father is a natural thing for a believer.  It must be developed – so keep learning!  Yield to the desire placed in you by God Himself.  Pray, pray, pray.  The more you pray the more natural it becomes.  It’s a necessity my brother!

The Pastor's Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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