A Grateful Heart


Peter wrote, “add to your faith virtue” (2 Peter 1:5).  It’s also been said that a thankful heart is the parent of all other virtues.  Let us all strive to be grateful, because this one attitude allows us to keep things in perspective, does it not? We tend to complain about what we do not have. Would it not be better to be thankful for what we do have ?

The words of a song written by Reagan Riddle of the Primitive Quartet says it beautifully, “I’ve always had a place to sleep, clothes to wear and food to eat. God has been so good to me.  If all I had he took away, then I still would have to say God has been so good to me.”

This Thanksgiving, let us determine to be grateful for all we do have – given to us by a kind and gracious Heavenly Father. “Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done”.

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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