Trusting God, Pleases God

 We must learn to trust God with everything, even when what He’s doing doesn’t make sense to us.  Trusting Him brings Him great pleasure!

Abraham followed God not knowing where he was going. Hannah waited on God’s timing, not knowing when her baby would come.  Mary expected a miracle not knowing how it would come about. Joseph trusted God’s purpose, not knowing why things happened as they did.

God wants to be in control of every area of our lives it we will just let him.  Many Christians have not learned to trust God with their money, so they don’t tithe.  Some believers fail to trust the Lord in their relationships, so they push and try to manipulate people in their life.

Let’s just LET GO! Quit trying to control every situation and let God work His sovereign plan.  It’s His purpose that matters! Trust the Lord my friend, and remember this: nothing under His control is ever out of control.

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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