Tell her, "Happy Mother's Day!"


Happy Mother’s Day!

Today, I give a hearty “shout out” to all of the Moms, especially my own, who is 90 years young now and still going strong.

One of seven children, my Mother was raised in a Christian home. There were two boys and five girls; a musical family. They all played instruments and sang. In fact, back in the 30s, they travelled all over, singing in churches, at civic clubs and reunions.

My birth was a difficult one, and during that time, my Mother dedicated me to the Lord, praying that God would someday use her son. When I gave my heart to Christ and was called to preach at age 21, I guess she was the happiest mother in the world! I put my Mom through many sleepless nights, but because of her faithful intercession on my behalf, I am serving God today, 35 years now, preaching the gospel.

Don’t you feel you have the best Mom in the world? I guess we all feel that way. It’s a tough job raising children. Perhaps your Mom has passed on; keep her memory alive. If your Mother is still living, don’t take her for granted, especially on this special day. Call her if you don’t live near her and tell her how much you love her.

I think of the words to this song recorded by Wilburn & Wilburn say it well: “Hello Momma. Sorry it took so long to call you back. This job I have won’t cut me any slack. Oh Momma, tonight you’re laying heavy on my mind, it just hit me, I broke down and cried. I don’t know that I ever thanked you one time for patchin’ up my skinned-up knees, kissin’my tears, lovin’ me. For all the nights you laid awake, prayin’ to God I’d make it home safe. The countless things you went without, so I could have what I have now. I know I don’t tell you like I oughta, but I love you Momma”. 

In honor of Charlotte Freeman – Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms!

The Pastor's Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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