"Hear I am Lord"


The great prophet Isaiah once spoke those words. What is involved in saying that? It means; all I have Lord, I place at your disposal. Perhaps you think you have nothing to offer the Almighty, but how can you think that if you are created in the image of God?

Hear me friend, when you give to God what you have, He gives to you what He has! Power, wisdom, discernment, His anointing, gifts, talent; it all comes freely your way when you give yourself to Him.

Too many Christians are convinced they don’t have anything to offer to the Kingdom. Benjamin Franklin, remember him from History Class? “Old Ben” had less than 2 years of formal education and yet he founded America’s first library. At age 30, he started the first fire department. At age 36, he designed a heating stove that is still used to this day. At age 40, he harnessed the power of electricity. At age 45, he launched the nation’s first university, and at age 79, he invented bifocals. He was an economist, a philosopher, a diplomat, inventor, educator, and a publisher.

If, as a Christian, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, maybe you should consider saying to God, “Here I am Lord. Use me, use my life, I give it all to you!” It may surprise you what God can do with you.

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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