Exhort One Another


“Exhorting one another…” Hebrews 10:25

Paul uses the word “exhorting” (Greek: parakaleo).  It means to comfort, to entreat or to encourage, to stir.

When we see someone who needs encouragement, we should give it to them. Why? Because a lot of people are discouraged, their hearts are broken because of any number of things. They may have problems of all sorts, troubles that may be weighing them down.  Someone once said, “more people die of broken hearts than swelled heads”.  I think that’s true – don’t you?

A little boy once said, “Come on Dad, let’s play catch.  I’ll throw the ball and you can shout ‘WOW’!”  It’s important to encourage others.  Lots of professional athletes, when they were young, had someone who encouraged them and believed in them.  We should never give up trying to exhort people, trying to help them along life’s pathway.  Most folks will make progress if they have somebody, anybody, who encourages them a little.

Look for people that might need a little encouragement.  Then give it to them!

The Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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