Can you mention my name to the Lord?


“Brethren, pray for us.” (I Thessalonians 5:25)

Someone once said, “There is nothing that makes us love a man so much as praying for him”. When we lift one another up to God in prayer, love grows in our hearts for each other; and that’s a good thing!

Have you wondered, as I have, how people can feel lonely and feel like no one cares in the midst of this age of technology? Communication is enhanced, yet there are folks with all kinds of technological devices who are still lonely. I guess it is a humbling thing to ask someone to pray for us, and yet that is exactly what the Apostle Paul asked of his brothers and sisters in Christ.

Could it be we are too proud to ask? Are we too private to draw others into our world by asking them to “...pray for us”? Let us pray for one another. Love for one another always grows where prayer for one another is a common thing.

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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