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The highest level an athlete can attain in just about any sport is Pro (professional). Huge numbers of people play a sport in high school. Very few however, ever make it to the professional level. For example; in baseball, if an athlete is good enough in high school, he may go onto the college level. He may be noticed and sign with a team that sends him to the minor league level. Eventually, if he works hard and develops his skills, he may make it to the “Big Leagues”. Only a handful ever make it that far.

In golf, only 2% of all the people around the world who play the game will ever attain the professional level and actually make a living playing golf.

In the Christian life, it is the desire of God for every believer to reach full maturity. This requires effort and growth. Ephesians 1:4 says, “...that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.” To attain this goal, we must “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Developing our faith demands effort on our part. To reach the highest level, and to fulfill our potential in Christ requires a desire from within. Do you possess this desire to make “Pro”? We will never attain what we are unwilling to pursue.

Are you content to stay in the “minor leagues”, or are you pressing on, day by day, to become a mature Christian reflecting the image of Jesus in all your ways? Why not determine today to become a Pro! (Philippians 3:14)

Pastor Bruce Freeman


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