People's Savior


Jesus is “the people’s Savior”

Remember the angel that announced the birth of Christ and the message of “good tidings of great joy”? That angel also said, “which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10). God sent His Son into the world to benefit the entire human race–all races, all creeds, tribes and tongues–including people just like you and me.

Jesus came to all people, not to condemn, but to save people from all continents, from every direction, from all backgrounds, and from all ages. To reach all people, He had to become one of the people, yet without sin. This is the essence of the redemption story. Jesus truly is the people’s Savior.

Jesus died for all people (I John 2:2). The cross reaches out to all! The empty tomb offers hope, salvation, restoration and eternal life for all people. Provision has been made for all, but of course all do not come to Him! Why not? Unbelief; many simply will not believe. They will not receive the gift that Jesus offers.

However, the scripture declares, “but as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God” (John 1:12).

Jesus is “the people’s Savior”. Are you one of the people who have believed and received His offer of eternal life?

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


  1. Yes! Praise God for all that he's done so there would be no separation between us and God. I'm So Thankful for my salvation and to be a Child of God.

  2. Yes our Pastor preach that same thing last night Amen


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