Clear the Way


Remove Your Stumbling Blocks (Isaiah 57:14)

If we are going to have any chance of reaching people who need the Lord, we must deal with things in our life that might be a “stumbling block” to them. A stumbling block is anything that someone may trip over, or see in us that turns them off to our witness.

None of us are perfect. However, that is no excuse for not dealing with things that might make people avoid us. What might be some of those stumbling blocks:

1) Pride: spiritual pride, social pride, racial pride. God detests any form of pride. It’s the attitude that says we are better than someone else.

2) Moodiness: moody people are like the wind, you never know which way they’ll blow! They are fickle and unpredictable. Unbelievers seldom respond to those who are one way one day and the next time they see them, they are totally different.

3) Perfectionism: perfectionists are seldom as loving, kind, or compassionate as they need to be, because they are obsessed with being flawless. They struggle to relate with “normal” people.

4) Negativity: negative people just can’t be happy. Folks avoid them like the plague.

Any of these issues and many more can become stumbling blocks to those who have not received Christ as their Savior. What do people see in you when they look at your life? Are there things about you that cause others to “trip” when they consider your attempts to win them? Identify the possible stumbling blocks in your life–then deal with them and get them under the blood! 

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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