Be That Never Ending Fire


Why isn’t every Christian “on fire” for God?

I ask myself this question all the time. When you study the life of Christ and consider the price He paid to redeem us. How He left heaven and came down to earth, humbled Himself, suffered and died on a cruel cross, made it possible for us to escape the flames of hell and go to heaven when we die. Consider how God gives us all things richly to enjoy and gives us all the tools we need to live in victory over sin and Satan, and how the Lord provides for our needs and looks after us. It makes you wonder why every Christian isn’t “sold-out” to the Lord.

I can promise you this; it will be the red-hot, passionate, dedicated, spiritual believers that will move the Kingdom of God forward in the last days! God has always had a remnant that He can count on to get the job done. Are you in that number, if not, why?

Now is not the time to be a lukewarm, carnal Christian. Ask the Lord to stir your soul. Become a passionate believer! Live a life that is “sold-out” to Jesus Christ. One day, when you stand before the Lord to give an account for the way you lived, you’ll be glad you were totally surrendered to Him and His will. You’ll hear the Master say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant...enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:21).

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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