Your Breakthrough Will Come!

Have you ever felt trapped by your circumstances?

Have you ever thought, “Lord, when will my breakthrough come?”

I’m always amazed when I read the story of Rahab. Here is a woman facing a crisis. She is living in a city that is about to be destroyed and she knew it. Her situation, from a human perspective, looked hopeless. A crisis is a situation in which your future will take one direction or another. It will get better or it will get worse. But God can make a way!

Even though Rahab was a prostitute, faith rose up in her soul (read Joshua 2:9-11). She cried out for deliverance and God heard her cry.

Let’s note three amazing things: (1) God hears the cry of every person who calls to Him and declares that He is the true and living God (John 3:16, Romans 10:13). (2) God doesn’t determine your future based on your past. No matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, or what you are, God will set you free and give you a future filled with the best He has to offer. (3) Your faith is what moves God. God doesn’t look at your resume, He looks for your faith. Your faith activates the grace of God.

When Jericho fell, Rahab was spared because she placed her faith in the God of heaven and earth. Trust the Lord. Your breakthrough will come!

From the Pastor’s Pocket

Pastor Bruce Freeman



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